Monday, November 17, 2008

Religion and Imperialism

Why do you feel people try to force their views and beliefs upon others when it comes to religion? Give any examples you can think of, personally or historically, when people tried to force a religion upon another person or group of people.

Define the following terms: (R)



Assignment: In front of you is a “Ven Diagram” which is used to compare and contrast issues and items. Similarities are placed in the center, differences are placed in the outside column.

Find the locations for the following terms (USE YOUR CHART FROM MONDAY):
Jesus, Monotheism, Torah, Bible, Quran, Trinity, 5 pillars, 10 Commandments, Prophet Mohammaed, Abraham, Holy Site Jerusalem, Mecca, Church, Temple, Masjid.

Short answer: (R)
How do you feel religion led to imperialism, the process of one country taking over another's land and life?

Definition: (R)
M.A.I.N. Causes of Imperialism:
Copy down each letter of MAIN- the word it stands for, and the definition.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Imperialis- La Lucha

1) Open UP Microsoft Word. Today's lesson will be emailed.

2) 1st 10 minutes. Define the following terms in your own words.

3). Review. ( Copy each of these and make three bullet points after)
Triangle Slave Trade
  1. Fill in
  2. Fill in
  3. Fill in
Reasons for Colonization
  1. Fill in
  2. Fill in
  3. Fill in
4. Image Search:
Find Two Images that have to deal with Imperialism, Slavery, or Colonization for each of the following regions and people.

  1. Africa (Mali, Songhai)
  2. Americas (Incas, Mayan, Aztecs)
  3. Philippines and South Asia (China, Japan, Pinoy, Tumul)
Copy and Paste into Document. SAVE YOUR DOCUMENT.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Imperialism- La Lucha (The Struggle for Freedom)

Writing Prompt (L)
Why do you feel people in North and South America and the people of the Philippines both have last names like Gonzales and Garcia?

Click on Link: WORLD MAP then answer the following
1) What is the title of the Map.
2) What 3 colors dominate (control) most of the map and which country does each of these color represent?
3) Who controls the Philippines in the map.

Read and Respond to the questions:
The Dutch took gradual control of the Dutch East Indies (Indonesia), while Spain took possession of the Philippines in 1565. Although missionaries and government officials did enter the colonies, the main priority was the control of trade and exploitation of local resources. The Dutch, for example, reorganized the production of raw materials in their colonies to suit their requirements, controlling which produce could be grown on which islands, and destroying plantations that did not fit in with their needs.

1. Who controlled Philippines and when?
2. What was the main priority of the Empires controlling the colonies.
3. What is a raw material?

StoryTime- Listen, Read along, and Respond to the questions
Invasion of the Philippines- Pg 53-74.

1. Prediction: Based upon the picture and caption on page 53. What do you feel happened during the U.S. invasion of the Phillipines.
2. Who was Emilio Aguinaldo
3. What was the Treaty of Paris, when was it signed and what did it do?
4. How did the U.S. “reward” the people of the Philippines for years of struggling for independence against Spain (see pages 62-64).

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Dia De Los Muertos

Writing Prompt:
Write everything that comes to mind when you think of October 31st.

What is Dia De Los Muertos (Click Here)

For the following questions, use information from the video & information From this link
What are the origins?
Where is it celebrated (name at least 3 countries)?
What are key figures used in Dia De Los Muertos.

Watch The Following Video (CLICK HERE)
Write down three images that stood out to you.


Dia De Los Muertos honors people in our lives who have passed away. Once a year, their spirits return to this earth to visit the loved ones they have left. People create alters and place the favtorite food and drink of those who have gone. It is way for those still living to heal and those who have left to know they are remembered.

Pick a person in your life who has left this earth. Write their name:
Create one of the following that incorporates some of the images we saw today, the person you choose, and an image or language that honors their life
A Poem or Song
A Drawing:

If you need colored pencils, markers, paper, or materials, ask.
1st draft due by end of class

Monday, October 27, 2008

Imperialism- continued

Writing Prompt:
How would your parent or guardian react on the day of your graduation, to see you walk across the stage?

How would they react if they knew you were flunking classes you needed to graduate?

Reality Check!!

Maps: (fill in)
Triangle Slave Trade
World Map in 1500's.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Imperialism- Day 2

Writing Prompt:
Who was Christopher Columbus?

According to Wikipidia, who was Christopher Columbus?
Who was Bartolema de las Casas?

1. What was Columbus looking for,
Why was Bartolome de Las Casas important to our understanding of Columbus?
3. When Columbus arrived in Haiti, how many Natives were there? What was the population two years later? One Century Later.

1. What is the purpose of a historian, according to Howard Zinn?
2. Why do you feel we don't learn about this side of Columbus?

1. Everything we are living through right now will be part of history.
2. What parts do you feel will be left out?
3. Who will be left out?
4. Why will they be left out?

Monday, October 20, 2008

What if... An Analysis of Imperialism

Writing Prompt:
What if Slavery Never Happened,
and our people never colonized?
What if governments never lied and white folks apologized?

What would our world look like and why?

Share Out:

KWL: Slavery and Imperialism
What cultures and people did it involve?
What was the purpose?

Draw: Maps and Notes

After, Answer the Following Questions:

What is the definition of Imperialism?
What materials were the Europeans looking for?
What was life like before Imperialism for people of color?
How was it after?
What was the Triangle Slave Trade?

As I show the following images, write for each slide
1: Initial Reaction
2: Notes on Lecture