Thursday, September 25, 2008

Words and Worlds: From Plato to 'Pac

Objective: to introduce philosophy, and one of the icon's, Plato.
To examine and philosophize

Writing Prompt: (1L)
Describe, in detail, a time you felt ignored, invisible, or silenced? (one paragraph minimum)

Write the following definition: (1l)
Philosophy= love of knowledge

Television shows (hand out)
List all the shows you know.

Media Analysis (handout)

Definitions (handout): Computer Search
Define the following words according to the dictionary, followed by your own words, and give an example of each.

Writing Prompt (1R)
Think of the ways in which our voices are stolen and silenced.
If you were to take over the news and share with them your story and that of your people what would you say.

Begin with: "Ladies and Gentlemen, we interrupt this broadcast to tell you the truth about our lives!"
(Make sure to write at least a 3 paragraph story, 16 bar rhyme, or 16 line poem)

What does this have to do with Philosophy

S.I.L.T. or S.I.C.A.
(Something I Learned Today.. or .. Something I'm Confused About)

Plato: handout #1 and #2

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