Thursday, October 2, 2008

Philosophy #101

Writing Prompt:
If everyone has a purpose in life, What is the meaning of yours? Why do you exist?

Below are three people you will research and fill in the following information:

Immortal Technique:
Year born:
Country of Birth:
Why famous:
Name of Important Book or Song:
Three Facts about the person:

Year born:
Country of Birth:
Why famous:
Name of Important Book or Song:
Three Facts about the person:

Year born:
Country of Birth:
Why famous:
Name of Important Book or Song:
Three Facts about the person:

Read and Respond to Two of the following Three Questions.
In philosophy, there is no right or wrong, it is about arguing your point and belief. Write a minimum of 5 sentences on what you feel about two of the following topics.

If there is no life without women, why do men act like the rule the world?

Is there a heaven for a gansta?

Have you ever danced with the Devil in the Pale Moonlight?

Share Out:
Pick one of your topics to share. Read to the group.

Write the following
Name of the person sharing.
The topic they shared.
Two statements that stood out to you.
Two sentences on whether you agree or disagree with them and why.

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